{Mrs} Parking -cont’d

26 02 2009

Hmm.. After one of my colleague sent an email to the respective officer, a new route was introduced. Last Tuesday, 8.30am, arrived at the UiTM’s gate. The traffic is sooooo slow. Why? The guards are standing in the middle of the junction (near Pusat Kesihatan). They are diverting all the students’ cars to Padang kawad. Wah.. That’s better. And it was effective. Not so much students’ cars parked by the side of the roads. And even more parking available for the staffs. Ok.. Good job.

Wednesday, 8.30am. Hmm.. Good. Students’ cars were again diverted to Padang Kawad. Alhamdulillah, got parking for my car.

Thursday. No more guards standing right there. They were tired, perhaps. Effect? Yup, you guessed correctly. Parking full. The traffic again, congested.

Yana was right. We were once students here in uitm. We also drove our parents cars to class. But, there are no parking issues back then. Even, we didn’t threaten our lecturer if we didn’t get any parking. And, we couldn’t afford to drive a Mercedez or BMW to class.. So, no need to park the car at Professor’s parking lot. It is soooo different now.



2 responses

27 02 2009

Tell me that someone forwarded my suggestion to the authority?? Waa.. so honoured and so glad.. but it lasted for 2 days.. what a pity.. These guards should constantly monitor the traffic.. not at per “when i’m rajin” basis only..

2 03 2009

hmm..aku ingatkan masalah students yang “kureng ajar” ni happens in polytechnics/institut kemahiran je…ye la, sebab kena faham la level dia…rupanya kat u pun sama gak…nampaknya budak sekarang dah tak reti nak hormat orang yang lebih tua… aku pun takut nak marah/sound student lebih2, takut kena apa2 lak… something to ponder about: salah kita ke (pendidik) bila pelajar jadi macam ni?

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